Vote Gracie Kim

For sophomore class president

Hi! My name is Gracie Kim, and I’m running to be your sophomore class president. As your freshman class president, I have the experience, the grades, and the service to fulfill this role.​

Why Vote Gracie Kim

I am a dedicated, determined, and dependable leader. I will work to make sure every one of your voices are heard. No matter what race, gender, or sexuality, our hearts beat the same and all our voices ring clear.

My Experience

Over my years of being a student, I’ve been in an abundant amount of leadership positions. I’m currently the freshman class president, the former NJHS vice president, the former president of Circle of Friends, the current captain of high school mock trial, the former captain of middle school mock trial, and a former member of Youth Council. Throughout all of these positions, I’ve learned how to manage a group of people, an unimaginable workload, and a packed schedule. I’ve learned how to communicate, to listen, and lead.

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Gracie Kim for 2023

My Service

I dedicate a large portion of my time in community service and giving back to the community. Last year, although the NJHS requirement was 15 service hours, I completed 178 hours instead. I’m currently volunteering at the KYCC (Koreatown Youth and Community Center) every other week.

my promises

What I Will Fight For



Geting Voices Heard

Better Leadership

New Curriculums

Better Education

With The academics A Leader Should Have

As a freshman, I’m taking two AP classes. As a straight-A student, this leaves my GPA at 4.33. I got a near-perfect score on my PSAT 8/9, a 1420 out of 1440 and scored higher than 99.9 percent of other students. In terms of awards, I’ve received the Hope of America award out of 250 students for my scholarship and leadership skills. I’ve received five high honors awards in one year- that means that 5 of my 6 teachers thought I was one of their top two students. In mock trial, I’ve won both the 1st place prosecution attorney award and the 1st place prosecution witness award out of all of Ventura County.

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Above Average Test Scores
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Email for any questions you have about the campaign! Voting and speeches are on March 1st!